Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Due to the ordering process certain information given by you at the time of ordering is collected lawfully and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, by Aces High Collectables Ltd. Aces High does not disclose any customer information to any third parties apart from those required to fulfil your order, this may include fraud detection agencies and couriers. The information is used only for the purpose of processing your request and to communicate with you on any matters relating to the provision of the service in general. Information and statistics may also be used for the purpose of monitoring site usage. These statistics will not include any information that can be used to identify any individual.
Cookies are used on this shopping site;
1) To keep track of the contents of your shopping cart once you have selected an item.
2) To keep track of products you have viewed to enable us to tailor advertising based on your browsing behaviour. In doing so we do not capture any personalised information
that would enable us to identify the user; we only capture anonymous data.
If you have any concerns regarding the privacy of this site please contact us via our Online Contact Form, found under the 'about' tab.